5 Days of Fall: Pumpkin

Nothing screams fall like pumpkins, right? Whether you're carving a jack o' lantern for Halloween, whipping up a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, or toasting pumpkin seeds, there are tons of traditional ways to enjoy pumpkins and get in the fall spirit. And there are plenty of unique ways, too! So dig in and enjoy our pumpkin tips and recipes.

  • Selection: For cooking, pick a smaller pumpkin because the flesh has more flavor. Their skin shouldn't be shiny and they should be relatively blemish-free with the stem intact. If you're picking a pumpkin for carving a jack o' lantern, anything goes. Some people prefer smooth, pretty, perfectly round pumpkins but you can get creative with your designs on some odd-shaped pumpkins, too.

  • Storage: Store in a cool, dry place (45-60 degrees F) for up to a month or refrigerate (if you have enough room!) for up to 3 months. Otherwise just buy right before you're ready to use - they'll last about a week at room temperature.

  • While we love fresh pumpkin for many reasons, canned is also a great way to go. It's still surprisingly stocked with vitamins and nutrients and is WAY easier. And usually ends up being more economical, too. So don't be ashamed - be grateful you've got an easy shortcut!

  • Fun Fact: Pumpkins used to be recommended for removing freckles and curing snake bites.

  • The term "pumpkin head" in colonial times came from the fact that they would use a pumpkin half placed on a person's head to use as a guide when cutting hair. The original "bowl cut"!

Miss a post? Catch up for the week!

Monday: Cranberries
Tuesday: Pumpkin (above)
Wednesday: Currants and Gooseberries
Thursday: Sweet Potatoes
Friday: Mushrooms

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