5 Days of Fall: Cranberries

Ah, the beginning of fall. What a great time of year! To kick of the new season, we're showcasing some of our favorite fall foods this week. We're kicking off the week with cranberries, so read on for more information!

  • Selection: Fresh cranberries should be firm, shiny, and plump, and bounce if you drop them. Color should range from bright red to dark red. Avoid shriveled or brown-spotted berries. Peak season is September through December.

  • Storage: Dried, frozen, and canned berries are always available. Fresh cranberries can be refrigerated up to 2 months in a tightly-sealed plastic bag. Get rid of soft berries before storage as their deterioration will quickly spread to the rest. Cooked berries can last up to a month in the fridge. Fresh washed berries can be frozen for up to a year in an airtight bag.

  • Cranberries are packed with antioxidants and cancer-fighting elements. Pure cranberry juice acts as a sort of human drain-o by cleansing the digestive system.

  • Fun Fact: It is believed cranberries were served at the first Thanksgiving, based on their abundance at the time, but there's no way to actually know for sure.

Miss a post? Catch up for the week!

Monday: Cranberries (above)
Tuesday: Pumpkin
Wednesday: Currants and Gooseberries
Thursday: Sweet Potatoes
Friday: Mushrooms

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