5 Days of Cheese: Parmesan

It's Day 2 of our "5 Days of Cheese" series and today we're featuring Parmigiano-Reggiano, or Parmesan as we usually call it. Check out our tips and recipes below!

  • Origins: Created in the Middle Ages, it is named after the producing areas in Emilia-Romagna and Lombardia. Under Italian law only cheese produced in these two provinces can be labeled Parmigiano-Reggiano. Parmigiano is named after the Parma, and Reggiano comes from the Italian adjective for Reggio Emilia.

  • Aging: Considered to be at its best between 24-30 months, but can be as young as 6 months and as old as 6 years.

  • Texture: Hard granular cheese, cooked but not pressed. Made from raw cow's milk.

  • Fun fact: Boccaccio praised parmesan in the Decameron where he refers to "a mountain, all of grated Parmesan cheese." Parmesan is made from the milk of cows that have only been fed grass and hay.

  • Wine pairing: Parmesan goes well with mostly anything. Try pairing it with a fuller red like a Cabernet Sauvignon or dry white like a Chardonnay.

  • Serving: Most commonly grated over pasta, soup, and risotto, or eaten in chunks paired with balsamic vinegar. It is a key ingredient in pesto. Parmesan crust can be added to soups for additional flavor or gnawed on until soft.

Miss a post? Catch up for the week:
Monday: Cheddar
Tuesday: Parmesan (above)
Wednesday: Brie
Thursday: Blue Cheese
Friday: Goat Cheese

Like our 5 Days of Cheese series? Then check out our 5 Days of Fruit and 5 Days of Veggies series too!

Nola Solomon
We are happy to have Nola Solomon on board as an intern for FunnySpoon.com. As a French-American, she offers unique culinary insight on how to enjoy your food and efficiently plan for a hectic schedule. Give her recipes and tips a try!

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