5 Days of Cheese: Cheddar

If you're a fan of cheese, and if you've been following our "5 Days of ..." series, you're gonna love this week's theme: 5 Days of Cheese! It hardly seems fair to restrict such fabulousness to only five days, but we'll do the best we can to cover some tips, fun facts, and recipes throughout the week. Today we're kicking off the week with cheddar.

  • Origins: The village of Cheddar in Somerset, England. It has been made since at least 1170. It possibly derived from Cantal cheese, from France, and you can detect similarities in the flavors even today. It is made from cow's milk.

  • Aging: 3 months to 5 years, depending on the variety. In general, the longer cheddar ages, the sharper it tastes.

  • Texture: Semi-hard to hard

  • Similar cheeses: Cantal, Red Leicester, Colby

  • Fun fact: Normally cheddar is white or pale yellow, but many cheesemakers color the cheese to the orange hue that is familiar to most cheddar-lovers. It is done now because that's what most people prefer, but the reason they started in the first place is unclear.

  • Wine pairing: A strong red like a Cabernet Sauvignon or Syrah, or a white like Sauvignon Blanc.

  • Serving: Cheddar melts easily and is great in Mexican food, soups, or any other dish that uses melted cheese. It's also great cold, such as on sandwiches or served with crackers and apples.

Miss a post? Catch up for the week:
Monday: Cheddar (above)
Tuesday: Parmesan
Wednesday: Brie
Thursday: Blue Cheese
Friday: Goat Cheese

Like our 5 Days of Cheese series? Then check out our 5 Days of Fruit and 5 Days of Veggies series too!

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