Cleaning your veggies

I wish I could take credit for this tip, but it's from my friends at Ideal Bite ... the best way to clean your veggies? They say "use water and white vinegar - no lie. A few squirts on your fruits and veggies gets rid of the nasty stuff (like pesticide residue) that you don't want - no store-bought washes necessary." Brilliant! Now I finally have a use for white vinegar (other than coloring Easter eggs). And I'll save a few dollars on the fancy rinses they sell at the grocery.

If you haven't checked out Ideal Bite, please do. It's a great eco-friendly website and I love their daily emails - they're simple bite-sized portions of easy tips on how to green up your life. The perfect amount of information for my over-stimulated brain.

Do you have any home remedies like this? I have tons of shoe polish that I have no clue what to do with ...

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Vicki said...

I'm addicted to Ideal Bite! I'm always looking for more ways to be eco-friendly but it has to be realistic stuff that I´ll actually fit in to my busy and non-granola lifestyle. They really have the best tips, plus I love their trivia facts.

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