Screw the Super Bowl

We're bummed our favorite teams didn't make it this year so we're indulging in some totally-bad-for-us, but oh-so-delicious foods to compensate. On the menu: Cheesy Pigs in a Blanket, Chili con Queso, and Hot Pizza Dip. We'll still watch the game, but these dishes will make it much more enjoyable!

Cheesy Pigs in a Blanket

Chili con Queso

Hot Pizza Dip

Since we're trying to stick to our resolutions, we promise to get back on track during the week. Check out the blog on Monday for tips on recovering from party food overload, nursing your hangover & starting the week off right!

What are you waiting for? Check out all our awesome appetizer recipes and start planning your menu now! By the way, who are you rooting for? Share on our Facebook wall and we'll tell you our favorite teams ... and who we're rooting for on Sunday.

Pssst! This recipe idea was sent straight to the inboxes of our email subscribers, who get tips like this about twice a month from us. Want in? Sign up now!

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