Holiday Cheers!

With all that's involved in getting a holiday party together (appetizers, Christmas tunes, tacky reindeer sweaters) drinks often get overlooked. Yet they can be the difference between throwing the same old party your friends have been to before and hosting an exciting holiday-themed soiree. Here are some tips for making drinks that appeal to a large number of guests without being a ton of work:

  1. Select drinks that can be made in large batches and prepared ahead of time. Pull the punch bowl/pitcher out of the refrigerator when the first guest arrives and you're set!

  2. Prepare a signature cocktail that only uses a few ingredients and make that the focus. Supplement with a few bottles of wine, a few varieties of beer, and some sparkling water for people who aren't into hard liquor.

  3. Serve warm drinks - not only can most of them be made batch-style but your guests tend to drink them slower, meaning they won't be swinging from the chandelier before midnight (no promises for what happens after midnight, though!).

  4. Stock up on extra juice/mixers because not everyone likes to drink as much as you, party animal!

Inspired? Try one of these recipes and see how simple (and fun!) hosting a holiday party can be:

Enjoy the festivities!

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