Happy Birthday FunnySpoon!

Wow, it's already been two years of sassy cooking shortcuts. We hope we've helped make dinnertime and parties easier for you!

So why not share the love with your sassy friends?

  • Already signed up for our emails? We'll send a FunnySpoon grocery tote to the fan that forwards today's email to the most people. Yep - YOU get a present on OUR birthday!

  • Not signed up yet? Sign up today so you don't miss out on future rewards like this (plus that little side benefit of getting our awesome emails packed with sassy recipes to help make your weeknight dinners just a little bit easier).

All done? Time to get festive and celebrate with our fun and easy Birthday Cupcakes:
Birthday Cupcakes

Thanks for celebrating with us - we've enjoyed having you around for the past two years!

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