Menu Planning

Spring! Graduation Parties! Sports! Are you as busy as we are? Here's this week's dinner plan to help:

Monday: Bruschetta Burger - all the fun of a burger but without the meat. You'll be helping the planet and your health!

Tuesday: White Bean Tuna Salad - I fell in love with this salad at first bite. No need for mayo when you've got heart-healthy olive oil!

Wednesday: Boursin Chicken Wraps - they look fancy (the family will think it's a special occasion!) but they're super easy to make.

Thursday: Bacon Cheeseburger Quesadillas - take three things everyone loves - bacon, burgers, and Mexican - and combine them into one fabulous dinner!

Friday: Eggplant Pizza - You'll never notice these tasty pizzas don't have crust!

But if you still feel like you're missing out on some carbs from the crust-free pizza, try this awesome cherry beer, which should be available at your local wine merchant and might even be available at your grocery store.

Have a great week!

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