Fantastic Friday: We love OLIVES!

This Friday we decided to have an olive-flavored evening. So mix up the batch of Perfect Vodka Martinis that you've been craving! Three olives on a toothpick help flavor that fresh strong martini sip with a little salty wonder!

To complement the drink, try out our Greek Summer Salad for dinner!

Interesting facts about OLIVES:

  • Olives appear in one of the earliest cookbooks ever discovered, a 2000-year old text by a Roman named Apicius.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine uses olive soup as a sore throat recipe - the only occurrence of the olive in Chinese cuisine. Feel a sore throat coming on? Grab an olive!

  • They contain about 20% oil.

  • Olive trees may live to be 1500 years old; the average life span is about 500 years.

  • California is the only state where olives are grown commercially.

  • Ten medium-sized black olives have 50 calories and 4 grams of fat. Worth it!

Enjoy the weekend!!

We are happy to have Hanna Skeppner on board this semester as an intern for As a Swedish-American, she has many exciting ideas to add a new twist to our old faves. Hope you enjoy her recipes and tips!

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