Fantastic Fridays: APPLE-icious!

Friday is finally here! At least these Fridays are greeted with nicer weather these days! Which is why everyone should be enoying a cocktail out in the sun (sorry to anyone coping with rain)! Friday's cocktail is a classy, refreshing and super yummy Apple Martini! So on the apple theme, try our new Fruity Onion Chicken recipe! Happy Friday everyone!

APPLE fun facts:

  • The popular Halloween custom of apple-bobbing began, some say, as a Celtic New Year's tradition. It was a game young people played to supposedly determine one's future spouse.

  • According to Greek and Roman mythology, apples were symbolic of beauty and love. Today we call someone that we love and cherish, "the apple of our eye". This is no surprise considering the apple is a member of the rose family.

  • Isaac Newton's idea about the law of gravity possibly occurred while he observed apples falling from an apple tree. (Oooh, maybe apples make you a genius!)

  • Apples help clean your teeth and massage your gums, which is why they're referred to as "nature's toothbrush". (Although, let's not throw away our toothbrushes just yet!)

  • October is National Apple Month. So for all of you born in October: congrats, you're apple babies!

  • Fresh apples float because 25% of their volume is air.

We've all heard the classic expression "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" so hopefully tonight's theme will keep all of you healthy over the weekend!

We are happy to have Hanna Skeppner on board this semester as an intern for As a Swedish-American, she has many exciting ideas to add a new twist to our old faves. Hope you enjoy her recipes and tips!

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