Dad's Favorite Spices

When my father-in-law was still in good health, we used to have him over for dinner every Sunday. He always raved about my cooking, especially about how flavorful my fish and vegetable dishes were. One day he asked me what spices I used because he wanted to try them himself on meals he made at home. I recommended tarragon and rosemary to start with, as I knew those were his favorites. The gentle and slightly sweet flavor of tarragon is great in sauces, and I love rosemary on potatoes and other vegetables.

A few weeks ago, Dad passed away. As we sorted through his belongings, we came across jars of tarragon and rosemary. Everyone wanted me to have them since I was the one who introduced him to these wonderful flavors.

The seasonings are now in my spice cabinet. Every time I use them, I think of Dad.

So tonight, take a minute to think of what spices your loved ones love. You'll be glad you remembered such a small, but sentimental detail!

Elle Meyer, author of Living the Thin Life, focuses on healthy and low-calorie cooking. By integrating healthy but tasty tips into all her meals, she can "live the thin life" without feeling like she's dieting all the time. Elle will be regularly contributing easy weight maintenance tips to, which is perfect because "easy" is our middle name.

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