Eco-Friendly Week: Produce Labels Decoded

Ever wonder what those codes on the labels on your produce mean? Wonder how to tell if your fruit is organic or if your veggies are genetically modified? Here's the low-down, courtesy of our fave eco-tip site Ideal Bite:

Look for the PLU codes on the labels stuck on your fruits and veggies.
- A four-digit number means it's conventionally grown.
- A five-digit number beginning with 9 means it's organic.
- A five-digit number beginning with 8 means it's genetically modified.

Piece of (carrot) cake!

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Frederic Kuzyk said...

Thanks for the useful info.
Great news for us all on the GMO front! Federal Judge rules against Monsanto’s GM sugar beets, mentioning USDA failures. Read or

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