Summer Heat

We're well into the summer season and, as we all know, it only gets hotter and hotter and July and August move along. Why not keep all the heat outside, keep your house cool and cook the entire meal on the grill? You're already grilling the chicken, burgers, steaks or fish so you might as well throw a few veggies on there and voila! Dinner is done ... and the house is still 72 degrees!

I LOVE grilling corn on the cob. If you haven't tried it you definitely should - especially at this time of year because the corn is perfect. Keep the corn in the husk and soak it in a tub of cool water (with a palmful of sugar added) for 30 minutes. Drain it and throw it on the grill for about 35-45 minutes. It'll be so delicious you won't even need to add butter!

I also love cooking in a grill basket. My fabulous business partner, Vicki, recently sent me this grill basket for my birthday. LOVE IT! Chop some veggies, throw a bit of marinade or olive oil/seasonings in there and put it on the grill. Within 15 minutes the veggies will be tender and delicious. You can also cook meat and fish right along with the veggies.

Be sure to check out these other great grilling tips and keep your house cool (and the mess outside) when you grill out this weekend!!

Happy Friday!!

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Vicki said...

I love corn on the cob from the grill! And you're so right - it tastes so good and fresh that you don't even need butter. Happy grilling!

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