Saving Leftover Chicken Broth

I don't know about you, but I play it safe when it comes to the guidelines on food products. That means that generally I can look in my fridge and find at least four open packages of chicken or vegetable broth that all read "Use within a week of opening." I can never remember how long it's been since I opened a container of broth! Rather than taste it or dump out what may be perfectly good broth, I just open another and promise myself I'll check the others when I'm not in such a rush. Then I'm left with five open containers of broth!

Now, instead of cluttering my fridge and wasting all that money, I immediately pour the extra broth into ice cube trays and freeze it. Next time a recipe calls for broth, I can pull out exactly what I need.

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Vicki said...

You'd think companies would realize this need and make smaller cans of chicken broth! But at least with this tip we have a way to not be so wasteful until they do.

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