Prepare dinner even faster

If you're like me then you'd be much more likely to have a salad with dinner if the veggies were already cleaned and prepared. Am I right? It took me a long time to figure it out, but organization really does pay off. I like to come home from the grocery and immediately clean all of my veggies so they're prepared for salads and cooking during the week when I need them. It does take a little more effort upfront, but then I'm actually inclined to use all the veggies before they go bad. When I don't do this I usually end up throwing the squash and zuccinni out after 10 days. Sad veggies and a waste of money!

I use the time as a chance to either catch up with my husband or catch up with one of my girlfriends. Thirty minutes of washing veggies and chopping flies by with some good conversation!

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