Find Your Favorite Spice

One of my favorite spices is tarragon. Sometimes I come across a recipe that calls for a different spice, maybe a spice I don't like or one I just don't like as much. So I just swap it out! Sometimes it doesn't work - some things just weren't meant to be together. But a lot of times I end up discovering a great new way to make a recipe my own.

What's your favorite spice? Are there any recipes that don't sound appealing to you, but would sound better if you had your favorite spice thrown into the mix? Give it a shot!

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the jaynes family said...

I have a few faves. The first is garlic. I swear everything is just better with garlic - garlic powder, garlic salt (great on popcorn), chopped garlic, roasted garlic. You name it. Garlic makes things better.

I'm also a big fan of cumin. It makes food seem more 'cozy'. Weird way to describe a spice, I know, but it does. Try a little cumin on your roasted chicken and you'll see what I mean.

I also LOVE saffron. Like tarragon, it doesn't go with everything, but it really gives an extra depth to a lot of dishes.

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