You Call That A Salad?

Seems like these days people play fast and loose with the term "salad". Traditionally we tend to think of a salad as a green, leafy dish topped with different things and served before the main dish in a meal. But technically a salad can have a wide variety of base ingredients (vegetable, legume, pasta, eggs, grains, meat/seafood, fruit), can be hot or cold, and can be served at any point in the meal. So basically, as long as it's a mix of ingredients, you can probably get away with calling it a salad.

So in the spirit of all-inclusion and variety, here are some of our more unique salads:

Feta and Cucumber Saute

Pea and Cheese Salad

Russian Beet Salad

Tomato Salad

Warm Spring Potato Salad

Watermelon Feta Salad

Lime Jello Salad

Would you argue that these are even salads? What are you favorite off-the-wall salads? Share in the comments!

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