5 Days of Veggies: Eggplant

It's Day 3 of our 5 Days of Veggies series and today's veggie is something you might not know much about - eggplant. In fact, it's technically a fruit, but since you serve it and eat it more like you would a vegetable, we figured it was OK to group it with our veggies this week. So check out our easy eggplant tips and recipes below!

  • There are many different types of eggplant. Here are a few of the most common:
    • Western eggplant: most commonly found in your grocery store, is large with a glossy dark skin

    • Japanese eggplant: a long, slender eggplant

    • Egg-shaped eggplant: many varieties of a purple, white or mixed color

    • Baby eggplant: sometimes orange, sometimes the size of walnuts

  • Selection: Choose firm, glossy-skinned eggplants.

  • Storage: Store in the fridge until used. Eggplants develop a bitter taste the longer they are stored.

  • Preparation: Cut eggplant into slices and lay in a colander. Sprinkle with salt and allow to "sweat" for an hour. Eggplant can then be grilled, baked, sautéed, fried, or pureed, as desired.

  • Fun fact: Although we use eggplant as a vegetable, it is actually a fruit. It is native to India and Pakistan and was domesticated over 4,000 years ago.

Miss a post? Catch up for the week:
Monday: Corn
Tuesday: Onions
Wednesday: Eggplant (above)
Thursday: Avocado
Friday: Tomatoes

Like our 5 Days of Veggies series? Then check out our 5 Days of Fruit series too!

Nola Solomon
We are happy to have Nola Solomon on board as an intern for FunnySpoon.com. As a French-American, she offers unique culinary insight on how to enjoy your food and efficiently plan for a hectic schedule. Give her recipes and tips a try!

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