Happy Friday!

Friday is finally here! After a long week, why not kick back with a quick and easy meal and a light cocktail and just relax. Our Friday night suggestion is a mango-themed combination of mango salad and a mango-strawberry cocktail. These refreshing tastes will really liven up your end-of-the-week-exhaustion blues! And if you'd like to make the mango salad a little more substantial, you can always toss in some chicken strips.

Since we know you were curious, here are some fun mango facts:

  • The mango is known as the "king of fruit" throughout the world.

  • The mango tree plays a sacred role in India; it is a symbol of love and some believe that the mango tree can grant wishes. Make a wish before cutting up your mango. It can't hurt!

  • Hindus may also brush their teeth with mango twigs on holy days. You probably don't want to try this at home, though!

Happy Friday!

We are happy to have Hanna Skeppner on board this semester as an intern for FunnySpoon.com. As a Swedish-American, she has many exciting ideas to add a new twist to our old faves. Hope you enjoy her recipes and tips!

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