Menu Planning!!

We sort of fell off the menu-planning wagon over the holidays, but we're back on it (and our families are really relieved!!)

Here's your quick solution for a week's worth of dinners. No muss, no fuss - it's simple, healthy and delivered right to your desktop!

Monday: Cheesy Potato (& beer) Soup
Get cozy with some hearty and SUPER simple Cheesy Potato (and beer!) Soup. Takes minutes to prepare and will help take the sting out of yet another Monday!

Tuesday: Popcorn Shrimp BBQ Nachos
Didn't know you could consider nachos a decent meal? Sure you can! Especially when you load them up with these popcorn shrimp. Yum (and it counts as s part of your Seafood-twice-a-week program!)

Wednesday: Turkey Chili
Perfect comfort food for hump day - easy for a rushed schedule, a hectic week, a cold day or a hungry family. And really, who doesn't usually experience all of those on Wednesday? (And the leftovers are perfect for Thursday's lunch!)

Thursday: Super Easy Sloppy Joes
Kids love 'em. Parents love 'em. Nutritious, delicious, easy to make and quick to clean up. Sounds like a fantastic meal to me!

Friday: Tempura Shrimp with Wasabi Cream Dipping Sauce
Hooray! The weekend is here. Kick it off with this fantastic Tempura Shrimp - the adults will love the Wasabi Dipping Sauce and pour a little soy, cocktail sauce or ketchup for the kiddos. And, since it's Friday, we highly recommend pairing this with a nice Pinot Noir (my favorite these days is HobNob Pinot Noir).

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