As you probably know by now, we really like Ideal Bite. So check out these great iPhone apps, rounded up courtesy of our green friends:
Seafood Watch - basic and helpful: just search for the most sustainable seafood choices from restaurants or the store. Also gives you fish-specific info if you wanna know more (free).
Shopper's Guide to Pesticides - healthcentric list of which produce items carry the highest and lowest amount of pesticide residue, so you can figure out where to spend on organic; for iPhone (free).
What's Fresh - find out which fruits and veggies are in season (so they don't have to be transported so far - saving energy) based on your state and the month; for iPhone ($2).
GoodGuide - get greenness ratings for over 70,000 products - even offers nutritional info and ingredients lists (free).
Seventh Generation Label Reading Guide - find out what the ingredients on the back of the label mean. A tad bit dark green, but it's simple to use and includes links to related terms (free).
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