Fantastic Friday: Cheese Overload!

I was looking in my fridge this morning and realized I had 8 different kinds of cheese. I think that might be a bit insane. I thought about trying to combine them into a dip or somehow use them all up to clear out some space. But then I realized that if, say, I used up all my parmesan cheese I would just go out and buy more because that's something I like to keep on hand. Similarly, cheddar is a cheese I eat several times a week, so I would probably have a mild panic attack if I looked in my fridge and didn't see any. So rather than try to get rid of my cheese, I decided to celebrate it! So here's what I'm serving my guests tonight (feel free to copy for your own fab Friday night dinner!):

Starter: Crescent-Wrapped Brie
Main: Macaroni Grill Pasta
Salad: Dole Romaine bagged lettuce + Kraft blue cheese dressing + fresh blue cheese crumbles + croutons (maybe I'll add this as a recipe ...)
Dessert: Chocolate Coffee Cupcakes

I know we JUST posted about the Chocolate Coffee Cupcakes but a) they're awesome, b) it's National Cupcake Day and I can't let the holiday pass without celebrating, and c) I'm going to use Mint Chocolate Bailey's for a new twist.

Happy Friday!

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lindsay said...

Oh, Vicki! I love the Mint Chocolate Bailey's idea! That sounds deeeelish.

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